A user-friendly way to rewrite the “software” of your mind.
Change sabotaging beliefs into supportive beliefs quickly and easily. Create & Instil new beliefs which not only support you but allow you to make the changes you desire in your life.
Advanced Protocols:
Rapport Balances break down barriers between individuals or among groups. They also help children and adults to ease emotional distress caused by discomforting subjects.
Relationship Balances bring us into alignment with others, creating ease and flow of communication and understanding. Removing barriers strengthens bonds, whether human to human or human to animal.
Core Belief Balances target the 13 core beliefs common to all human beings, allowing for deep transformation and authentic living.
Read More or watch these videos:
Bruce Lipton — Thoughts Become Chemistry
Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping)
Emotional trauma contributes greatly to disease. EFT is a powerful way to reduce the impact of memories and events that trigger emotional distress. Alleviating distress enables the body to rebalance itself and accelerate healing.
Matrix Reimprinting
A collection of cutting-edge techniques developed by EFT Master, Karl Dawson. Matrix Reimprinting combines EFT with insights from Epigenetics and Quantum Physics to promote rapid personal change. Transform your relationship to the past by shifting your emotional and physical well-being in the present.
Emotion Codes & Heart Walls
These processes remedy underlying imbalances in your system. Promote openness and growth by breaking down the heart walls we build to protect ourselves
Vision Boards
Create a vision board with the correct neurolinguistic wording and planning to systematically achieve your goals.
Make an action plan with achievable steps to accomplish goals