What a gentle and calm soul Sands is! Her demeanour and presence had such a soothing effect that my anxiety about her process melted away before we began. Within minutes, she helped me change a limiting belief that had been operating in my mind for years. If you need help with subconscious change, Sands is your go-to person! Psych-K ® is an amazing process.
Gugu Mofekeng
Life Coach and Personal Development Strategist

Sands and I met just before our babies were born but kept in touch via email even after we both moved continents. When I began unravelling my present difficulties and past hurts, Sands offered long-distance support. Her unique ability to understand, even when we couldn’t talk in person, touched my life in a very profound way. Her support and empathy have been invaluable. She asked gentle questions to guide me in a healing direction and taught me simple yet effective techniques like tapping to resolve feelings, memories, and beliefs.

Lisa G
Sands works with me at my pace — she’s gentle and doesn’t push. Yet the results and changes I’ve experienced have been very encouraging. She has a wonderful way of recognising what a person is saying even when they can’t hear it themselves. I highly recommend getting in touch with her if you are looking for a compassionate guide who can change the way you think and lead you towards a joyful life. I was amazed at how simple Psych-K® was.

Cape Town
I suffered from awful postnatal depression. I had seen a psychologist and knew the “cause” of my feelings, but just knowing and talking about it didn’t help. I was admitted back into hospital and medicated. On referral from my gynaecologist, Sands visited and helped me release the blockages that were causing my pain. I went home that same day and became the true Mom I was always meant to be for my special baby girl. What a life-saving experience!

Ruanette B
Simple and gentle, yet profoundly effective! Thank you for teaching me the EFT techniques!

Having grown up in a terribly dysfunctional and abusive family, my beliefs about parenting were tainted. I began working with Sands when I kept having miscarriages. We explored my beliefs about parenting, my doubts about being able to do it better than my parents, and my fears about being a good enough mother. I truly believe my fears and lack of self-trust were preventing me from carrying a baby to full term. I’m happy to report that I overcame them with Sands’ help — I’m now a proud Mom to a very special little girl. Psych-K® & Matrix Reimprinting saved my life.

I came to Sands looking for help with a mix of eating issues and hormone related problems. I can honestly say that thanks to Sands I feel like a completely different person. 20 years of dysfunctional eating have gone and once we worked through my negative self- beliefs, the hormone issues also seem to be going. I can’t recommend her more highly!

Sands is a compassionate, caring, and driven soul. She supported us after our divorce and we are now able to communicate without resentment, blaming, or shaming. The compassionate support she gave us enabled us to get through our trauma. We are quite proud of ourselves for managing the process without scarring our children. We are grateful for Sands and her expertise.

Sands is so passionate about empowering kids to be themselves and live consciously. She has helped my kids manage their stress, turn bullying situations around, choose better paths for themselves, and elevate their self-confidence. I’m so grateful for the role she has played in our lives.
